Dragon Fish

Arowana,  keep as Hobby but regard - Feng Shui ;

Business man keeping the Gold Arowana or Asian fresh water Dragon Fish is to maintain prosperous and growing business. Freshwater aquarium fish hobbyist keep arowana fish aquariums at home is to bring good luck and ward off evil. 


Thus, it is a favorite in many homes and offices but it's beauties (arowana price) don't come cheap. Depending on the quality and variety, an full grown RTG Arowana or Dragon Fish can come with a five figure price tag. In Brickwood Fish shop are selling from $50,000 to 200,000 per Arowana.

The high price tag is due to supply is much lesser than demand. Asian Arowana can only be bred in a specific climate in SingaporeIndonesia and Malaysian. However, besides keeping them for viewing pleasure and mythical beliefs, Dragon Fish lovers can also turn their hobby into a money making business opportunities.